Caveat: The information below is not legal advice. The Regulation is ambiguous in parts and exemptions apply. — As we reported earlier, on May 29, 2020, the Ontario government amended the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the “ESA”) through Ontario Regulation 228/20. The stated purpose is to prevent businesses from “unsustainable termination costs” and facilitate the […]
News & Blog
Significant Changes to Temporary Layoff Provisions of ESA
On May 29, 2020, the Ontario government introduced Regulation O. Reg. 228/20: Infectious Disease Emergency Leave. The new regulation re-characterizes certain layoffs related to COVID-19 as an emergency leave under the Employment Standards Act. We are still reviewing the newly introduced legislation and will have further details on the impact for employees and employers. Wondering […]
COVID-19: Employment Law Update
Since our last update on March 21, 2020, we’ve seen several changes to the government assistance being offered. We’ve done our best to summarize these below. Please note, this is general information, not legal advice, and is based on information current only to April 3, 2020 and is specific to Ontario. Topics covered: Canada Emergency […]
COVID-19: Employment Law Considerations
Please note, this is general information, not legal advice. Each employer will have different workplace policies, employment contracts and work environments which will affect their legal obligations. This is also a rapidly evolving situation. New government regulations and employee entitlements are regularly being announced. This summary is based on information current to March 21, 2020 […]
Karimjee Law in the News
Associate Mika Imai provides employment law information in the age of COVID-19 — what to do if your boss wants you to self-quarantine without pay. Check out the Globe and Mail article here. Have more questions about the impact of COVID-19 on your workplace? Contact us.
Evolving Law on Contract Enforceability
The Ontario Court of Appeal just released a decision in a commercial case that may offer lessons applicable to employment contracts. MacQuarie Equipment Finance Ltd. v. 2326695 Ontario Ltd. (Durham Drug Store), 2020 ONCA 139 dealt with a provision in a lease agreement for equipment which stated that the lease could not be cancelled or terminated […]
Hiring – 5 tips to follow
Recent public appointments in Ontario have sparked considerable discussion about the processes used to fill public service positions. They also provide a reminder of the importance of fair hiring processes for all employers. Setting clear hiring guidelines helps employers to avoid scandals; advance equity, diversity and inclusion; and, just as importantly, increase the odds of […]
Karimjee Law Sets Precedent in Employment Contract Case
On September 27, 2019, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice released a significant decision in Groves v UTS Consultants Inc, a case argued by Karimjee Law. The case is already generating a lot of discussion. The central issue revolved around the termination provision in the employee’s contract and a release. If found valid, the employee […]