Kumail Karimjee is honoured to be co-chairing the Law Society of Upper Canada’s upcoming 18th Annual Employment Law Summit. The seminar will take place on October 18, 2017. More information to come.
News & Blog
What Can an Employer Request from an Employee for Disability-Related Accommodation Requests?
When an employee makes a disability-related request for accommodation, the employer has a legal duty to accommodate the request up to the point of undue hardship. However, problems can arise when an employee provides medical documentation too ambiguous to support the request, or when an employer requests more medical information than is required to determine […]
Why It’s Hard to Match Mediator with Dispute
Kumail wrote an article for The Lawyer’s Weekly about the challenges associated with matching a mediator to a dispute. There is considerable diversity in the way that mediation is practiced. There is a range of styles, techniques and approaches used. Greater transparency about style and participation by parties in the design of the mediation process […]
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) 2015 Conference
Kumail recently spoke at the HRPA COnference about mental health and the duty to accommodate.
Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) Conference 2015
Kumail recently spoke at the 2015 ONPHA Conference about general human rights related issues, as well as employees and accommodations.
Frustration of Contract not Just for Employers
Kumail Karimjee recently wrote an article for The Lawyer’s Weekly regarding the potential for employees to assert frustration of contract. Read the full article here.
Kumail Presents to the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario on Employment Contracts
On May 31, 2014 Kumail attended the Deerhurst Resort in Huntsville Ontario to deliver a brief lecture on employment contracts in the area of employment law to members of the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario. The lecture provided the members with insight on how to achieve a successful contract.
Kumail Quoted in Law Times Article on Social Media Policies in the Workplace
Kumail was recently quoted in the Law Times regarding the importance of a reasonable, well-written social media policy in the workplace. Read the full article here.